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Pop up Setting of Moonbrella

I have really enjoyed the chance to create a piece of Sensory theatre with its roots firmly in my practice and experience of working within Early Years. The pop up piece is designed to fit smaller spaces where theatre may not normally be found. There are 4 main elements to the setting that enables the scene to be set. A large floor print, a simple frame, and a teepee and several small boxes containing elements used in the 'After play' element. The piece draws on the simplicity of play, and and celebrates the power of a childs imagination. The colour scheme is carefully muted and allows the perfromers to stand out. a rainbow of colours are discovered as the piece concludes, with an opportunity for the children to open up the boxes and explore what they might find on the moon. Texture, smell, colour, light and sound are all explored.

Preset of Moonbrella

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